God's Is Bigger Than Covid
It's coming, its coming, its coming. Ready of not, Christmas is coming. It will be an unusual Christmas in a most unusual year. Christ...

Set Aside Time For Quietness
Barnes and Noble and I are on a first name basis. They are BN to me, and I am JB to them. I am one of their best customers. I treat...

Sing It Loud For All To Hear
Last month many of you sent in expressions of your thankfulness. These were heartwarming to read and to share with the congregation in...

Sharing Advent
We were not able to gather as a church family to celebrate the great feast of Easter and a great Easter Brunch with our members and...

Being Thankful In A Challenging Year
This Thanksgiving will not be the day you or I initially planned. COVID-19 has intervened, and we are all now making Plan B for the...

Preparations for Thanksgiving and Advent
In case you have not been out, the stores are decorated for Christmas. The holiday advertisements are already flooding the television and...

Counting Your Blessings
Once the calendar is turned to November, I start looking forward to Thanksgiving Day. We all know we cannot safely celebrate the day as...

Virtual Communion
Sunday will be the first of the month. Therefore, it is our traditional Communion Sunday. When I first thought about celebrating Holy...