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Did You Remember Your Homework?

Dear Friends,

I am extremely pleased to be your Interim Pastor. I sincerely believe that God has led me here for this time and I am eager to be your shepherd and to serve this congregation. Spring Creek Church has a proud history first, as a Congregational Church, and now as a partner in the United Church of Christ. You, your family, are important to our worship, our fellowship and our mission. When you are not here you are missed!

For those who were able to share in worship this past Sunday morning, how are we doing with our homework? Four things were presented and assigned:

  1. Be kind to one another.

  2. Talk about our church to someone. Maybe invite them to worship or an event.

  3. Pray for our church. God knows what we need. We need to ask.

  4. Pray for the Pastor. She needs God's wisdom and your prayerful support.

These are holy habits to practice this week and every week. With God's help we can accomplish all that God intends for us.

Pastor Joanne

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