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Virtual Communion

Sunday will be the first of the month. Therefore, it is our traditional Communion Sunday. When I first thought about celebrating Holy Communion via a "telecast" I thought it sounded a little un-natural. After all, I am here and you are there and never the two shall meet in pandemic time. And, even if you come to worship in person on Communion Sunday, I cannot share the bread and cup with you due to health restrictions. Some of our neighboring churches are not having virtual Communion at all and they have good reasons. Some of our neighborhood churches, with good reason, are offering the elements of Communion only to the few who are able to attend in person.

After some conversation, investigation, and prayer I became convinced that virtual Communion is un-natural. In fact it is super-natural! In my initial thinking I had put God in a box of my own making. I made our God too small. I limited our triune God to a ritual of time and place where, in fact, in God's time it is always now, where God is always present and cannot be limited.

For Sunday's celebration, please prepare some bread, a slice, a small loaf, a cracker, a rice cake, a tortilla. Prepare a cup of juice, wine or even water for each person in your household. You may want to set these up before the service on a cloth. You could include a candle and something that reminds you of a person you wish to bring with you into this circle of faith. If you are coming to worship in person you are encouraged to bring your own elements of Communion. I look forward to sharing the Bread and Cup with all our family of faith.

Pastor Joanne


All Saint's Day November 1

The first Sunday in November, this year on All Saints Day, we pause and remember those of our members and friends who have passed on to the other side of eternity. The names of those submitted to the church office will be remembered in the November first service.

Please send the names of your loved ones and their relationship to you to the church office by noon, Wednesday, October 28th. May God bless them with his eternal presence and comfort us in our sorrow.


Pastor Joanne invites you to join us this and every Sunday morning for our live-streamed Facebook worship service at 10:30 am, preceded by 5 minutes of music for meditation to help folks get settled. Pajama attire and pets are welcome.

In-Person Worship: The Spring Creek Sanctuary is cautiously reopening to our members and friends who want to be a part of the worship service in-person. For safety, we are limiting the number that may be present at any one time; attendance is on a first come basis and we encourage calling Pastor Joanne in advance to let her know your intention to attend. Seating is assigned to designated areas maintaining safe distancing. Masks must always be worn. Worshipers should plan to be seated by 10:25, the time we begin filming the live service broadcast. Copies of our Order of Worship are available on the stand by the sanctuary double doors. Pastor Joanne has more information.

God Is Still Speaking,

Let's listen together.




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